REPORT: Carbon Footprint Implications of the Erosion Control Response


Many geosynthetic erosion control technologies are complete only with a strong marriage to vegetation establishment. Nature’s in-place and well established success in stabilizing surface soils is the cornerstone in almost every erosion control application. The geosynthetic response then, is one of augmentation, stabilization and water management as they encourage, strengthen and reinforce the soil/vegetation matrix and direct flows to desired managed systems. In addition, the partnership of natural materials to geo”synthetic” reinforcement in erosion control materials serves to enhance and extend the functionality of the engineered product.

Evaluation of the carbon footprint of these materials begins with an appreciation of the variety of their composite structures, and an awareness of their increasing role in sustainable development.

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  1. Sam R. Allen, Vice President, TRI/Environmental, Inc.
  2. C. Joel Sprague, Senior Engineer, TRI/Environmental, Inc.

TRI/Environmental, Inc., P.O. Box 9192, Greenville, SC 29604; PH (864) 242-2220; email:

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