Geosynthetics 2019 Conference

Houston TX, February 10 – 12

Joel Sprague presented “Inlet Protection using Geosynthetic Sediment Retention Devices”. This presentation included an overview of the testing of inlet protection sediment retention devices (SRDs) using geotextiles as a screen to reduce sediment migration while allowing water passage.  The SRDs were tested using the large-scale procedure ASTM D7351 with a modification to present a concentrated flow, rather than sheet flow, to an area inlet.  Both pre-manufactured products and site-built systems were tested.  The SRDs were installed adjacent to or inside the inlet opening and exposed to simulated (concentrated) runoff.  The measurement of water and sediment that passed through, over, and/or under the SRD compared to the amount in the upstream flow was used to quantify the effectiveness of the SRD in retaining sediments while allowing continued seepage.  The test results establish appropriate relative performance characteristics for a range of SRDs using the modified ASTM D7351 procedure for inlet protection testing.



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